Integrated DCM

Understand which features to build or prioritize without rebuilding a full conjoint to save money and time while gaining a competitive edge in the market.

Crack crucial combinations

next-gen tracking

Figuring out the optimal combinations of features, benefits and pricing is crucial when making strategic choices about a product. But it’s hard when products are constantly evolving.

We’ve reimagined Discrete Choice Models so they’re fit for today’s challenges. Our approach incorporates fast follows, getting rid of the need to recreate huge studies by retesting existing features. This connects data over time to get an accurate picture of how your new product features would evolve, which extends the shelf life of expensive, complex studies and makes them work harder.

Our Integrated DCM lets you:

  • Build one benchmark DCM that has every feature in the market relevant to the product
  • Add new features to the original dataset using smaller surveys as they’re rolled out, again and again

From an Integrated DCM you understand:

Combination Optimization

The optimal combination of features, benefits, and price.

Combination Evolution

How the optimal combination changes when new features are added.

Market Changes

How a competitor change will impact the market.

Product/Feature Value

The overall value of the product/relative value of features.

Time to tackle that 
thorny problem

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