Narrative AI

Get the insights your brand needs to stand out from the crowd using boundary-breaking research that pulls scales from stories.

Highlight insights hidden in narratives

ai scales

As a brand, you need to know what your drivers and points of distinction are. Brand research should translate into actionable strategies. However, traditional methods relying on scales and attributes don’t usually reflect how people truly perceive and engage with brands.

Our innovative Narrative AI solution moves beyond conventional scales by inviting people to share stories about a brand. Then, we extract importance and performance metrics from these narratives on the back end. This delivers more actionable insights that align with real consumer behavior.

Our custom-built Narrative AI approach gives you:

  • Surprises – you can uncover insights you didn’t think to ask about
  • Retroactive flexibility – you can look back and see performance on metrics that weren’t previously a priority

From Narrative AI you understand:

True Drivers

What's actually driving consumer preferences (not just what they say)?

True Distinction

Where there are true brand distinctions (not just marginal)?

Non-conscious Beliefs

What's really driving consumer choices?

Time to tackle that 
thorny problem

Let's talk